Frequently Asked Question
How do I keep up to date on your book releases and other news?
My Mailing List sends book updates and releases, exclusive short stories, recipes, and more straight to your inbox! Sign up Here.
I post vlogs with works in progress, book and life updates, as well as book and art releases on TikTok (Youtube coming soon).
BookBub is more straightforward and notifies you of book releases ^_^ Follow me Here.
Goodreads sends you a monthly notice and highlights authors you follow. Follow me Here.
I also post book releases, art, and pictures on Facebook and Instagram, though I am not as active on those platforms.
Detective Docherty is a supernatural mystery series, taking place in the city of Toronto, and revolves around the lives of a paranormal Detective and his two assistants, Ares and Alexandria. The characters walk a thin line, weaving their way through the worlds of man and magick, facing ghosts, fairies, vampires, and gods . The series starts out fairly light but takes a dark turn as tension and unrest builds between man and magickal kind.
The Necromancer Series is a side series in the Detective Docherty universe and focuses on a young necromancer and her undead friends as they battle magick users, monsters, and demons.
Where can I buy your books?
You can select your preferred eBook seller by clicking the book you’re interested on my website Here.
Paperbacks are available through Amazon and may be purchased by clicking the novels on my Author Page Here.
Where can I buy your artwork?
You may purchase prints, mugs, stickers, and more from my RedBubble Shop Here.
Where can I learn more about you?
Do you have any advice or articles for writers?
I am working on it! I have a couple articles up now but plan to revamp them pretty soon. You can view what I have posted now Here.
The FAQ will be updated as more Frequently Asked Questions arise ^_^ I hope this was helpful!